3 steps rewind

A gentle alternative to EMDR

Resolve & gently lift negative emotions and memories associated, Birth Trauma, Fertility journeys, Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss, Pregnancy Complications, Breastfeeding Difficulties

Whether we label it 'trauma',  'difficult memory' or something else, it's not something anyone wishes to experience in any form.   Yet its arrival is often unexpected following one or more particularly traumatic or difficult experience, the important thing to ask is, does this memory still affect me now?




 Your answers to these questions may give you a good insight into whether resolving difficult feelings around a past memory could be a useful step.

The term ‘fight or flight’ is a very familiar one - evolution has blessed us with this response for the purposes of our own self-preservation.  It’s worked remarkably well, our species is still thriving.

However, when a traumatic experience occurs, sometimes its memory remains vivid and new, resulting in a heightened ‘fight or flight’ state.  The amygdala, the part of the brain continuously on the lookout for danger becomes permanently hyper vigilant and over protective leading to that old memory still affecting our perceptions and behaviors in the now. This can manifest through anxiety, hyper-vigilance, trouble sleeping, flashbacks, emotional distress, avoiding places, things and situations associated with the event, irritability, and problems bonding with your baby.

Sometimes, being able to diffuse this trauma response, is a useful first step, so we can work on the memories from a place os safety, and then work on repairing any damage that this event has caused, restoring your confidence.

What to expect from our sessions

  • 1st Session

    This session is so we get to know each other, form a sense of trust and rapport.

    I will walk you through the process and if you so desire, you can share your story and identify the difficult memory that triggers a response that you find unpleasent or unconfortable.

    we will end the session through a taylor-made relaxation technique, which will be recoded so you can keep on practicing.

  • 2nd Session

    We will do a brief check in to recap the emotions and triggers that you would like to work on easing.

    Then I will guide you through a intense relaxation session followed by a guided self hypnoses taylor made to ease the intense feelings that you have been experiencing.

    This normally works for 96% of my clients, but if more sessions are required then we can arrange aditional sessions, to go through this particular exercise.

  • 3rd session

    At our last meeting we will do a check in to see how you are feeling and to see if you are still experiencing any of the unpleasent feelings associated to the memories that we worked through our previous session.

    We will end this session with another guided relaxation exercise which will be recorded so you can keep on practicing at your own pace.

These sessions are done online over video call and have an approximate duration of 60/75min.

Why opt for this approach

  • Silhouette of a woman holding a child sitting on a crescent moon with stars.

    Proven method

    Its a gentle and effective process originated from neuro linguistic programming (NLP), with a proven track record experienced by many

  • Illustration of a woman seated in a cross-legged position, holding a baby. There are stars and a crescent moon in the background. Decorative leaves frame the image.

    No waiting time, No referral

    You requested a referral from your therapist, joined a lengthy wait list, and you start your appointments but just don't click with the therapist that you end up with, having to start the process all again.

    We can arrange a 15min initial consultation and you can assess if we are a good fit, then we can start the process and you do not have to worry in being rushed, I always allow ample time for our sessions.

  • Illustration of a woman holding a baby, surrounded by decorative leaves and stars.


    I’ve been working as a Doula who specializes in trauma informed care and anxiety for a couple of years, so when you meet with me, you don't have to feel unsure if I know what you're talking about which is what happens when you see a generalist.

    I’ve also experienced birth trauma and walked the path of recovery before, making me even more empathetic to your situation

  • Stylized gold outline of a mother holding a baby with radiating lines and stars.

    Short term and online

    This is a process that has been proven to alleviate symptoms in 3 sessions, however, if you still need additional help in other areas, I will be glad to help.

    These sessions are delivered online in the comfort of your own space so you can relax even further in your safe space

Rewind Consortium logo with blue dots forming a spiral and text "rewind consortium" inside a circle.

“After my first delivery, I was left with these heavy feelings that were associated with what should have been one of the best days in my life, I felt I couldn’t move forward, I couldn’t let go. So when I fell pregnant again, I seeked help in letting go of these emotions in hopes that this birth would be different. Working with Tania to process this was the best step I ever took in my recovery and a successfull birthing experience.’’

- Amy, Amsterdam