The period from conception to motherhood, can be a road paved with all kinds of surprises, good and bad, and it could sometimes leave you with feelings that you can’t really untangle and understand. You’re not sure about how you’re feeling, but you know that it doesn't quite feel right.

You wear a mask and pretend that all is well, after all, this is supposed to be the most joyous time in your life, but you also feel, overwhelmed, anxious, numb, angry, sad and broken.

And it feels like a lonely journey to be in. That no one will really get it, especially the ones closer to you.

I do, I really do, I’ve been there, and I’m here to say that I’ll be there for you too.

What is Perinatal Counselling

You are entitled to live a rewarding and fulfilling life. At times, this just doesn’t seem possible, with no light at the end of the tunnel.

Counselling provides an opportunity to explore your concerns in a safe, supported environment, gain an understanding of factors that may be influencing your situation, then work towards moving forward with tools and strategies to improve your situation. As your coach, I’m here to listen without judgement, and facilitate discussions that work toward achieving your goals and resolving issues in a way that suits you. I will not diagnose you with a mental health condition, instead, we will work together to identify and draw on your own resources and strengths to overcome the challenges you’re facing.

There are often many feelings that accompany parenting in the early years, particularly following birth. However, shame and guilt are often there too, preventing parents from seeking support that can help them to feel whole again.  However you are feeling, I want to tell you that your feelings are valid. You do not need to seek for external approval for something that only you, know deep within you that is not for you.

Together, we can work on making you whole again.



Knitted red heart on cracked wall

Who is Counselling for?

Counselling is simply for everyone… anyone who is experiencing difficulties that needs support and guidance from someone that will hear you and support you in finding resolution and peace.

My particular areas of expertise are based my tertiary qualifications, my extensive work with trauma and in the perinatal and parenting industry; and my own lived experience, and include:

• Birth trauma counselling
• Breastfeeding/postnatal trauma
• Attachment/relational trauma
• Birth debriefing
• Prenatal and postnatal anxiety
• Unplanned pregnancy
• Fertility difficulties and infertility
• Loss of identity, self-esteem or self-confidence
• Transition to parenthood 
• Anger, guilt, anxiety
• Grief and Loss

Person with open arms at rocky beach during sunset