The time one of my images won an award….

Internation Association of Birth Photographers 12th Annual Birth Photography Image Competition

The email arrived and as soon as I opened, it read We are proud to present you with your award for our IAPBP 2023 Image Competition Award!

I had been awarded bronze award, for one of my images, it took me a minute to process the information, as this had only been my 3rd year doing this job full time, however deep down, I knew my skills had grown leaps and bounds this last couple of years, I had become so much more confident in the birth room doing the role of doula and birth [photographer, that it had become second nature to me.

However, this particular competition, gathers professionals from all around the world, submissions have grown since its inception 12 years ago and it has become the pinnacle of recognition for birth photographers. As this genre becomes more and more recognized for its added value, both for the families that choose to have it, as for its role of changing the way we perceive birth, creating awareness and dismistifying miths and fears. Proportionaly to this increasing awareness, the community of artists that document the powerful event that is birth, has also grown, and with that, it has been raising its standards, both creatively and technically. I personally can vouch for that, as I have invested through the years inis continnuos education and gear.

Submission categories include but are not limited to: labor, delivery, postpartum, cesarean birth, home birth, and birth in a healthcare setting. Entrants are encouraged to capture authentic and emotion-filled moments that reflect the raw power and intense emotions that accompany this profound life event.
Throughout the judging process, a panel of esteemed professionals within the birth photography community evaluated the submissions, considering technical proficiency, artistry, storytelling, and overall impact. These judges, with their deep understanding of birth and photography, have scrutinized every image, searching for those that effortlessly convey the beauty, connection, and strength inherent in the birthing process.

During the submission process birth photographers are encouraged to provide a brief description of the moment captured, sharing the emotions, challenges, and triumphs that unfolded during the birth, and by doing so, encouraging others to do the same, continuing to grow this art form.

This particular image was captured at what was expected to be, home birth. Her contractions had started and were coming strong and fast. They had invested so much time and effort on preparing for this moment, so at this particular moment that her midwife had performed a vaginal check and announced that she was at 3cm, the doubt had been installed, doubt that she could do this, that she could take this to the very end. As she navigated these thoughts, the midwife and I cleared the room so they could have some moments alone to process and to discuss the next steps. She went on to have the most empowered birth experience ever, and I’m so completely honored and humbled that I got to capture this and share it with the world.

You can see all the contestants and awards following the link below:


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